01/08/2024 19:30


Codex Fixes

Codex Pets:
     ↪ Fixed the issue preventing the removal of pets after exceeding a certain number in the inventory.

Codex Title System:
     ↪ Fixed the system and removed titles from players who redeemed them without having sufficient points.


Palette of Fortune Fixes

Palette of Fortune:
     ↪ Reset the lottery side bar, fixed the item redemption issue, and adjusted the rewards.



Experience System

Excess Experience:
     ↪ Fixed the Report Bug issue when surpassing the experience limit, added a cap of 900kk experience received in all scenarios.


Boundary Level Correction

Sky Limiter:
     ↪ Fixed to prevent characters from exceeding the maximum sky level boundary, resulting in a negative sky level.
     ↪ Automatic correction applied to affected players.


Moonlight Crystals and Sacred Spirits

G17 Armor set Cooldown:
     ↪ Fixed the cooldown issue when performing actions with the moonlight crystals and Sacred Spirit of G17 armors.


Cosmic Conduit ⁞

Conduit Cooldown:
     ↪ Fixed the cooldown time when performing actions.


Dailies and Weeklies

⇒ NH: Purification of the Heart:
     ↪ The mission will now fail if you go offline. To avoid losing the mission, do not log out while it is active in your quest list. This addition was made to prevent players from exploiting the mission system.
     ↪ The mission is located in Neverfall, Nordeville at an NPC called "
General Summer" at coordinate 479,532
     ↪ The mission can be done 5 times in a row on the same day. It can only be done with 1 character per account.

NH: Triad Daily and Weekly:
     ↪ The Pathfinder Pack returns to the missions.

Daily in the Northern Realm:
     ↪ Added a new daily called "WC: Stay" for players with Rising Sky and above, with arcane points as rewards.

Northern Realm Daily Mission Reward:
     ↪ Increased the reward for the daily mission.


⁞  Package Opening NPC

⇒ Master of The Boxes and Submaster of The Boxes
     ↪ The "Master of The Boxes" and the "Submaster of The Boxes" they are Npcs responsible for opening multiple packs at once on the transmutator
     ↪ The limit for opening multiple packs at once has been increased from 100 to 500 at the respective NPC mentioned above.

Master of The Boxes and Submaster of The Boxes Location : South City (557,625

ATTENTION: Before the next opening, clear the inventory of the transmutation, as any item loss will not be reimbursed.


Teleport System

Teleport to Uncharted Paradise:
      ↪ Fixed by removing teleportation animations that caused report bugs.


Rank System

Rank System:
     ↪ Players with the rank "General of Swords" and above now lose more experience when they die. They lose 50 experience points less than they gain, that is, if they gain 500 experience points for a kill, they lose 450 points upon death. The change was made to the basic count, without considering the killer's level.


Celestial Memoire

Pass System (Memoire):
     ↪ Fixed the lottery system and the acquisition of items from the extremities.
Representative image of the e
xtremities that have been corrected

Note: Remember that there are limits to the number of times a particular item can be redeemed.


Miscellaneous Fixes

Initial Flight - Archer:
    ↪ Fixed the issue of gaining attack (damage) when using the low-level basic (initial) wing.

Disconnect in NW:
     ↪ Fixed the disconnection issue in maps and events involving the rank system.

Arena System:
     ↪ Changes in the Arena system a complete guide on the new system will be provided.

Minerals and NPCs:
      ↪ Corrected incorrect points on the maps of Neverfall and World.


⁞ Clan Ranking System 

🛡 Tier 1

Requirements: 👥 80 Unique IPs+

🎲 Staff know-how with the new TWs;

🗡 Set: R8 UP3 +12+, Weapon G17 UP4+, Celestial Saint, Lvl 105, Accessories G16+, Star Chart lvl 68+;

⚠ Mandatory Events: TW, Pay Event, Northern Realm, Scheduled GvG, PvP Arena:

🏹 Clan Organization: Well-defined organizational hierarchy;


💰 Reward: $1,800 in Gold Donate 
📦 Clan Kit: 40 
🪙 1Bi in Gold Coins for TW Bids

🛡 Tier 2


👥 60 Unique IPs+;

🎲 Staff know-how with the new TWs;

🗡 Set: R8 UP3 +10+, Weapon G17 UP3+, Celestial Saint, Lvl 105, Accessories G16,  Star Chart lvl50+;

⚠ Mandatory Events: TW, Pay Event, Northern Realm, PvP Arena;

🏹 Clan Organization: Well-defined organizational hierarchy;


💰 Reward: $1,200 in Gold Donate 
📦 Clan Kit: 40 
🪙 1Bi in Gold Coins for TW Bids

Tier Rules:

TW bids happen from 1:00 AM to 3:00 PM on Saturday and Sunday;
It is strictly forbidden to place more than 1 bid in TW, subject to Tier disqualification;
It is strictly forbidden for the clan not to participate in Mandatory Events, subject to Tier disqualification;
It is strictly forbidden to sell clan kits to players inside and outside the clan, subject to Tier disqualification;

🛡 Tier 3


👥 20 Unique IPs+;

🗡 Set: R8 UP3 +7+, Weapon G17 UP2+, Celestial Saint, Lvl 105, Accessories G16, Star Chart  lv50+;

⚠ Completed Dailies: Flowsilver Palace | 999 at the Lord of Disaster Soulshriek  | Advanced Endless Universe | Dailies in Neverfall | Uncharted Paradise

🏹 Clan Organization: Well-defined organizational hierarchy;


💰 Reward: $600 in Gold Donate 
📦 Clan Kit: 15 
🪙 1Bi in Gold Coins for TW Bids


Territorial Wars

Clan Competitive:
     ↪ We will begin the clan competitive in New History, with territory season rewards. For this, we modified the TW, correcting the entire PvP format.
     ↪ We decided to reset the PvE map, making it fully PvP, meaning all territories have been added to the NH Clan.

Territorial War Information

↪ First rule: the clan can only conquer one territory per battle day, that is, one territory on Saturday and another on Sunday.

↪ Second rule: do not attack another active clan before two weeks, so everyone can prepare, strengthen their clan, fortify their characters, and create strategies.

↪ Only clans participating in our tier system can bid on territories. Violation of the rules will result in the marshal being penalized.

↪ Starting from this week (Saturday and Sunday), clans can bid and conquer two territories in the first week, two territories in the second week and, in the third week, they can either conquer new territories or attack other clans. Details will be provided gradually.


Early Game Changes

"Nova História" (New History) System Interface:
     ↪ The "Nova História" system has been removed from the game.
     ↪ Rewards remain in the background and will be received upon achieving the objectives.

Hero's Path System:
     ↪ Added for all players, from beginners to End Game, with modified rewards and shop.


Shop Update

New Shop Items:
    ↪ Added new Skins and new visual weapons.
    ↪ Reduced the price of the Coupon of Magnificence by 20%.
    ↪ Replaced the packs in the main shop, adding two new packs never before seen in the game.
